This past weekend, one of Munchkin's scouting outings was at Robert's Alma Mater. It coincided with 15 years to the day of when we got engaged and celebrated our engagement with a mass at the Abbey across from campus. We were actually engaged the day before, but you know being the busybody that I am, I had gotten us Bears tickets as a surprise for him and he had planned our engagement. In light of the Bears game, he had to push our engagement celebrations over a few days. I was perfect.
Fifteen years ago, I was looking forward to a wonderful long marriage together. Today, I am an only parent. It was a day filled of memories. Filled of ghosts of the past on that campus.
I made a decision. Munchkin and I were there to do scouts. He was there to have fun with his friends and really I didn't think it would have been fair of me to share my ghosts with him. So I didn't. I did post on Facebook so that my grown up friends knew what I was thinking, but I hid my sorrow from my little boy in his Tiger Cub uniform. He was busy being a boy with his friends and he deserves to have his time unburdened by my memories. Right, wrong or indifferent, I try very hard to have balance in our lives. Instead of dragging us through the past and opening old wounds, I try to keep us grounded in the present. When Munchkin asks questions, I answer them honestly and truthfully. He goes through phases where he asks lots of questions and then times when he doesn't ask any. I try and follow his lead-I figure he will ask what he wants to know and as long as I answer him, he will keep asking.
As I was helping clean up, the skies opened to a spectacular display of rays of light shining down from heaven. I know Robert was with me. I know he lives on in my heart, and the visual was just a simple affirmation for me. Let me tell you, the pictures below, don't do it justice. It was as if the rays were reaching down and touching the stadium.
It is decidedly odd to have my life come full circle. A place I shared with Robert that brought us great joy, is now a place I shared with Munchkin. It is such a dichotomy-to have a place of joy with each of them, that they don't get to share together. I am having a hard time describing what that feels like, which is weird because it pretty much encompasses my life. I shared joy with Robert, I now share joy with Munchkin yet, I am the only commonality between the two of them. Robert doesn't get to help raise his son whom he wished and wished to have for so many years.
At any rate, I take a deep breath and just try to enjoy it for what it is-the daily goings on of my life.
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